Internet Marketing Strategy Of A Champion

Internet Marketing Strategy of A Champion

With the start of the professional football season approaching, I want to take the opportunity to tell you about the core of the team at Pop Results, how this team goes about its business, and how to construct the internet marketing strategy of a champion.  Internet marketing and football are not that different.  They are both games being played where the strategies and tactics are ever-changing.  In the case of football, you are fighting to gain yardage, score points, and ultimately win games.  In the case of internet marketing, you are pursuing your end goals of gaining more traffic, leads, and ultimately conversions.  The formula for creating a winning strategy in internet marketing has several key parallels to what creates a champion in football. Read more

On Page SEO – Recipe for Success

On Page Seo Recipe For Success

You can scour the internet for lists of things and techniques you can use for On Page SEO to increase your ranking on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Even on this very site and in this blog you will read tips in places like our on page seo checklist blog making sure you do your keyword research, plan out the blueprint of your site to be search engine friendly and make sure you use key tags to help search engines find your pages and so people can read them easier. Laundry lists of aspects of your site to optimize are plastered all over the internet. But as my current favorite internet meme character, Sweet Brown, would say, “You ain’t got time for dat!” Read more

Inbound Marketing With Pop Results

Inbound Marketing A Date With Popular Results

As a prominent inbound marketing agency that primarily operates off of an increasingly steady stream of inbound leads, we are fortunate that we can be selective about the type of clientele that we are willing to make a commitment to serve.  This fact might come as a surprise to some who chase business but, at Pop Results, over the short term gain, we favor loyalty, long term commitments, and the ability to plan and execute sustainable campaigns.  Based on extensive advance research and the implementation of principles that maintain a high level of certainty, we pride ourselves on our ability to create strategies that manage digital marketing campaigns with tomorrow in mind. Read more

Creative Content Expert – Jeffrey S Freedman

Creative Content Expert – Jeffrey S Freedman

Jeffrey S Freedman | Pop ResultsCreative content expert. That is a very bold statement. Especially when it comes to design. So what makes someone consider themselves an expert when it comes to subjective topics like design. In my opinion (again subjective) what makes great design is all circumstantial. Read more

Inbound Marketing Expert

Inbound Marketing Expert – Andrew Bart

Andrew Bart | Baltimore Ravens WinAs an inbound marketing expert and founder of Pop Results, I compose blogs with the intent to convey my knowledge on a variety of complex internet marketing solutions.  My goals are to help educate those who want to execute their own campaigns, serve as an inbound marketing consultant for those who need a plan, and function as a full service inbound marketing agency for those seeking outsourced campaign management.  To date, I have accomplished each of those goals but I have not explained my qualifications and background that led me to earn my reputation as an inbound marketing expert. Read more

How To Develop A Small Business Website

How to Develop a Small Business Website

Even for businesses that earn most of their revenues offline, having a well-developed website can be the difference between attracting hundreds of new customers per month, or being one of the many start-up companies that fails to get off the ground. Read more

Inbound Marketing Strategies

Stay in tune with the latest trends in inbound marketing strategies. If there are any specific topics you would like us to cover, please feel free to drop us a line and we will do our best to answer your questions with a relevant blog post or we will answer you directly. If you feel our information is helpful, we encourage you to share it with your friends and colleagues.