Digital PR – Choosing The Right Content

Digital PR – Choosing The Right Content

Why would I want to put this on my site? Who wants to read this? This sounds like one giant commercial for your company. If this is the response you’re getting from outlets when pitching your digital pr releases or off page articles then you may need to take a step back and rethink your strategy.

Crafting the content

Broken record time. Content, content, content. No one want to read an advertisement that reads like an advertisement. No one wants to read an uninteresting article. No one wants to finish a blog and say, wow, what a huge waste of my time. That is certainly not the taste you want to leave in a prospective client’s mouth. The content must be useful, informative, entertaining or all of the above. If that useful entertaining article happens to suggest you drink at Joe’s Coffeehouse, but backs it up with facts about coffee, maybe some information you did not know, that is good content for digital pr.

Putting it out there

According to Forbes, if you are asked how many impressions can you guarantee, then the point of digital pr is being missed.¹ It is not about buying ad space and forcing your message onto your prospects X amount of times. It is about becoming part of the destination message. Something your prospect wants to read or watch. Something they will enjoy. says that the goal of pr, on or offline is about building awareness, credibility and goodwill.² That only works if they read or look at your offerings, and they will only do that if they think they will gain something from it.

How do I get them to see it

Obviously, being attached to an organization with a large readership will immensely aid in the proliferation of your message. But without good, compelling content, even the best connections in the world will not get you on their site. For this week’s Instagram installment, I leave you with advice on how to choose good content from Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ Neal Page (Steve Martin).  Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls please enjoy Pop Results Presents – Digital PR – Have a Point and Make it Interesting.



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