Social Media Marketing Mistakes

Social Media Marketing Mistakes

What started as a peer to peer online community quickly grew into an excellent place for business to connect with their customer base on a personal level. The various social networks provide a great platform for companies to directly reach and communicate back and forth with their target audience. Like it’s traditional advertising predecessor, social media marketing networks can be selected to match the interests of the customers, but now, instead of talking to or down at current and potential buyers, the dialog is open, 2-way and instantaneous. We know it is important and that it can be viewed as an online party. But with this great new power, comes even greater responsibility. If you make a mistake in your social media marketing, it will be known much quicker, spread much faster and cause even more damage.
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Social Media Marketing Blogs

Social Media Marketing Blogs

In the decade and a half that I have spent in the Internet marketing industry, more than any other online discipline, social media marketing represents vast potential, tight demographic targeting, and platform variety. While there are numerous aspects of social media marketing, the four primary areas include social media optimization, social media management, social media promotion, and paid social media marketing. With multiple platforms to consider as well as a multiplicity of potential campaign types, social media marketing can be overwhelming to learn. Read more

Social Media Networking Is An Online Party

Social Media Networking Is An Online Party

Look, we all have our opinions of social media. Some of us like to share our lives so that our good or bad fortune can bring joy or solace from friends. Others like to keep their lives close to the vest, and not inform the world of their day to day experiences. But whatever your personal opinion is, when it comes to your business… Read more

Social Media Marketing Definition

Social Media Marketing Definition

I am warning you now, as you read this blog, you are going to hear this word a lot, “connection.”  If you are looking for a social media marketing definition, it begins and ends with this aforementioned word.  At its core, social media is about connecting with family, friends, acquaintances, and in some cases even that seemingly random suggestion that Facebook makes to you and decide to engage with.  So what is social media marketing and where does it fit within this seemingly personal and in some cases professional networking schematic?  The answer lies in the subscribing and sharing component of social media. Read more

Social Marketing Memes

Meme Time!

The whole goal of social media marketing is to, well, market yourself socially, of course! In the grand scheme of Inbound Marketing, social marketing is another tool in your arsenal to connect with your audience. But you can only reach your audience if what you have to say, or the images you include, are something people want to not only see, but share with the masses. Memorable images that grab your attention quickly combined with short catchy phrases that relate to both the image and your topic are the makings of viral fodder. Read more

Social Media Marketing Tools

Social Media Marketing Tools

When it comes to social media marketing, one thing is for certain, the sphere continues to develop at a hyper growth rate.  Yet, the territory remains largely uncharted and in this current early phase of discovery, cross platform campaign monetization is a challenge for all marketers.  Being in the field for over a decade, it surprises me how often I hear in conversation with C-Suite executives as well as small business owners, “I know we need to do it (social media marketing) but we are not sure how to make money with it?”  With so much optimism combined with the unknown, increasing the base of knowledge, staying on top of the trends, socializing with the influencers in the space, and using the latest and greatest social media marketing tools is essential to achieving quantifiable success. Read more

Why Social Media Marketing Is Important?

Why Social Media Marketing is Important?

We know that in some shape or form, everyone has had interaction with social media. But the actual numbers of unique users of the top social sites per month are staggering. Being someone who has spent his career in marketing, when I see these numbers, I know it is a perfect marketing opportunity. If done correctly, it is an extremely cost effective way to not just get your message out to your audience, but communicate with them.
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What is Social Media Marketing?

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the art of increasing brand exposure by garnering social interest through the sharing of content within the sphere of social media networks.  The aspect of being able to share content with friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, and interested parties often leads to exponential distribution of the content downstream.  If the content is determined to be communally compelling, the social sharing can experience viral distribution and lead to massive amounts of traffic and inbound links for the content creator.   Read more