Reputation Management – One Size Does Not Fit All

Reputation Management – One Size Does Not Fit All

You did a very bad thing. Said something you regret. Drank a little too much. Offended the wrong group. Or maybe you did nothing. Someone was just out to get you. Whatever the situation, if it gets online, it will tarnish your reputation. As soon as a potential employer, investor, client or even your own mother Google you, there is that horrible story. Sitting there amongst the stories of your donations, your humanitarian awards, your Nobel Peace Prizes. Alright, maybe you do not have all those other things, but that negative portrayal of you is still sitting at the number 3 spot. Read more

Reputation Management Definition

Reputation Management Definition

Historically, the concept of reputation management has been considered by the general public as well as search engines as an unethical means of manipulating and clouding the perception of reality.  With the rise of corporate and personal transparency in social media, content marketing, and public relations, the slant on a reputation management definition requires a bit of course correction.  For those who answer the question of what is reputation management with results of traditional disapproval, it is time to consider this practice as a right of communication.  Businesses and individuals who invest the time and resources into communication, public question and answer via social channels and review sites, and don’t simply try to lay low or hide deserve a chance to be heard and earn our respect. Read more

Reputation Management Using Content Marketing

Reputation Management Using Content Marketing

We’ve spent months discussing all the nuances of inbound marketing, putting your information out there, so that you become the authority in your field. We’ve gone over all the pieces of the puzzle, On and Off Page SEO, Paid and Local Search as well as all the types of online marketing; Content, Social Media, Mobile and Video. We’ve talked about what each item is, how it works, what are the best tools to use and what content will gain the best results. Read more

Reputation Management Tools

Reputation Management Tools

In the digital age, the moment anything comes to mind, our natural instinct is to immediately search the Internet for information on that person, place, or thing.  Based on the information that displays in the top of relevant search results, an opinion or reputation begins to form in our minds about that subject.  If those some of the search results are negative, it is likely that a negative impression will be made and doubts will form about that subject matter.

On the other hand, if the top results are positive, it is likely that these results will establish a foundation of confidence about that subject.  More than ever before, individuals, celebrities, businesses, corporations, and brands all need to be cognizant and proactive with online reputation management.  In order to help you protect and maintain a positive online reputation, I will cover several reputation management tools that will educate and train on how to monitor and execute an effective campaign. Read more

Internet Reputation Management – Existing Beyond Infamy

Negative Information -The Need for Internet Reputation Management

According to a survey done by the Cone Inline Trend Tracker, “4 out of 5 consumers changes their minds about a recommended purchase based solely on negative information they found online.” Think about that. These were potential customers that had made it to the bottom of the sales funnel. They had received recommendations to make their purchase and because of negative information they found online, 80% of them changed their minds. EIGHTY PERCENT! OK, so maybe that’s only from the people that actually go online and do research about their purchase. How many people actually do that? Well, according to that same survey, “89% of consumers go online to do additional research about products and services that have a moderate of high cost.” Wow! Only 11% of consumers wouldn’t be effected by negative information. Is there any person, business, or brand that can afford not to engage in Internet reputation management?

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What is Reputation Management?

What is Reputation Management?

Reputation management focuses on the process of monitoring and protecting a personal, professional, or brand identity by positively influencing the information in search and social channels as well as responding to any negative public feedback that might exist.  In the information age where anyone can easily post a blog, article, or other form of content, unfortunately, there are individuals who advertently or inadvertently post content that can cause harm to the reputation of others.  As an individual, business, or brand, it is critical to ensure that a positive message is visible when end users conduct searches for your name.  If negative mentions or undesirable feedback goes unaddressed, it is possible that the content could go viral and lead to a major public relations nightmare.   Online reputation management involves the optimization of positive branded digital assets that help to push negative content out of prime positions and ultimately out of view. Read more