Digital PR – Choosing The Right Content

Digital PR – Choosing The Right Content

Why would I want to put this on my site? Who wants to read this? This sounds like one giant commercial for your company. If this is the response you’re getting from outlets when pitching your digital pr releases or off page articles then you may need to take a step back and rethink your strategy. Read more

Digital PR Definition

Digital PR Definition

Internet marketing as a whole is a field that evolves at an extremely rapid pace.  As the industry continues to mature, the trends for nearly all of the individual disciplines are demonstrating a significant amount of interdisciplinary convergence.  In a similar manner to the way that inbound marketing blends on page seo, off page seo, social media marketing, content marketing, and can easily draw from other disciplines, digital pr is also a prime example of convergence in Internet marketing.  For those seeking a short answer to the what is digital pr question, I have included my digital pr definition as well as an explanation on what digital pr means. Read more

Digital PR Using Content Marketing

Digital PR Using Content Marketing

I read a great quote from Lee Odden recently. He said, “If you want to ensure your brand gets in the media, then become the media.” That got me thinking, what is the media anymore. When I got into the marketing business it was very clear. The “media” was the TV and Radio stations, the networks, newspapers and magazines. They were the ones that you had to pay for ad space or worked your public relations connections and skills to get them to do a story on your company for some hook that you were able pitch to them. But that was then… Read more

Digital PR Tools

Digital PR Tools

In a digital world, information circulates at light speed and the funnel of that information can easily expand through syndication and spread at an exponentially viral rate.  Creating and managing a reputation between a business, brand, or celebrity and the general public requires an ongoing honest effort.  By crafting and distributing information that is genuinely informative for the masses and makes a personal connection with the audience, a digital public relations campaign is a very powerful soft selling action.  Armed with an effective set of digital pr tools, you can create and disseminate dynamic press releases, quality editorial articles, and a variety of digital assets that help to generate positive buzz. Read more

Digital PR Tools – Relationship Building

The Art of Digital Perception

Perception. That is the name of the game. It does not matter what you do or how you do it, if your potential customers are unaware of what you are doing right, or they only hear about what you do wrong, any marketing you do will be fruitless.

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What is Digital PR?

What is Digital PR?

Digital PR is the concept of attaining editorial exposure in targeted online media outlets with the goal being to authoritatively influence relevant audiences of interest.  By contributing time and resources to the creation and dissemination of informative content, ambitious individuals and businesses alike are able to build and maintain their online reputations.  From the creation of resourceful articles with strategic positive brand mentions to the creation of non-branded how to articles that offer expert knowledge on a related product or service, digital PR is essentially an exchange of valuable content for positive reputation points. Read more